The Catholic Church teaches that life itself starts at conception and ends with natural death.
The Massachusetts state legislature has passed into law
H.5179. This bill is viewed to be the most radical abortion law in the nation. It allows for abortion up to the point of birth. Despite overwhelming public opposition to the bill the Senate overrode Gov. Baker's veto by a margin of Yea -32 Nay - 8.
Senate -- Roll Call #372 H.5179 -- Question on passing, notwithstanding the objections of the Governor
Barrett, Michael J.
Boncore, Joseph A.
Brady, Michael D.
Brownsberger, William N.
Chandler, Harriette L.
Chang-Diaz, Sonia
Comerford, Joanne M.
Creem, Cynthia Stone
Crighton, Brendan P.
Cyr, Julian
DiDomenico, Sal N.
DiZoglio, Diana
Eldridge, James B.
Feeney, Paul R.
Finegold, Barry R.
Friedman, Cindy F.
Gobi, Anne M.
Hinds, Adam G.
Jehlen, Patricia D.
Keenan, John F.
Kennedy, Edward J.
Lesser, Eric P.
Lewis, Jason M.
Lovely, Joan B.
Montigny, Mark C.
Moore, Michael O.
Moran, Susan L.
Pacheco, Marc R.
Rausch, Rebecca L.
Rodrigues, Michael J.
Spilka, Karen E.
Welch, James T.
Collins, Nick
Fattman, Ryan C.
O'Connor, Patrick M.
Rush, Michael F.
Tarr, Bruce E.
Timilty, Walter F.
Tran, Dean A.
Velis, John C.